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Negroni - the William Brown recipe

Matt Hranek aka WM Brown has been part of undertowing the Negroni movement online. His instagram (@wmbrownproject) is full of thirst inducing Negroni pictures.

Finally he made a video with his recipe.

Below is the recipe for easy reference.


Step 1. Put your ice into your glass.

Step 2. Add all the liquids below in any order.

Step 3. Stir lightly with a spoon.

Step 4. Put the orange slice half down into the glass and stir a half rotation with the orange.


Start with the base recipe. Adjust the amounts according to your own taste.

Base recipe / ingredients

  • 1 part bitter vermouth

  • 1 part sweet vermouth

  • 1 part dry gin

  • Ice

William Brown's recipe

  • 30mL (1oz)  Monkey 47 Gin (dry Gin)

  • 22mL (3/4oz)  Campari (bitter vermouth)

  • 37mL (1 1/4oz)  Camparo Punt E Mes (sweet vermouth)

  • 1 orange slice

  • Ice

Follow Matt's video.



WM Brown project
Matt Hranek instagram